Books >> Elements of Indian Art & Architecture


Pp.16+140, Text figures 18, halftone plates 89



This is study of Indian Art in the context of its theory. Such ornaments of the Hindu temple as ‘Mithuna’ and ‘Lahara-Vallari’ and Sculpture-Iconography have been discussed at length. Textual prescriptions affirm, for example, that Devangana-Mithuna sculptures in the temple forum, both in dance and erotic postures, are incarnation of srngara.

Chapters :

01. Mithuna Depiction on the Hindu Temple
02. On the Individuality of Jaina Art
03. Formalisation of the Formless in Indian Art
04. Rock Cut Pratihara Temple of the Gwalior Fort
05. Elements of Sculptural Aestheticism
06. Lahara Vallari in Indian Art
07. Inter – relationship of the Performing and the Plastic Arts
08. Sun Temple of the Gwalior Fort
09. Erotic Depiction in the Chhitai-Charit
10. Padma-Kunda of the Rang Mahal Red Fort Delhi




School of Mughal Architecture Consultancy for Mughal Architecture MARBLE PLAQUES OF MUGHAL ARCHITECTURE

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