Books >> The Art of Chanderi



Pp. 16+68, Halftone 48, text figures 9


It deals with 15th century Sultanate Architecture of Chanderi in Madhya Pradesh. Its buildings: mosques, tombs, palaces, gateways, tanks, baolis and other public works constitute a style of architecture of their own with such distinctive characteristics as an emphatic ogee of arches, ornamental strut, geometrical jalis, commemorative gateways and some unique structural contrivances. This style is different from the Art of Mandu to which it is erroneously attached as a sub-style. Chanderi’s art is versatile, creative and ingenious. It introduced epoch-making innovations, a study of which will be immensely useful for understanding the main trends and currents of the medieval Art of the regions lying on the periphery of the Delhi Sultanate.

Chapters :

1. Chanderi in Historical Limelight
2. The Jami Masjid (1450 A.D)
3. The Mausoleums of Chanderi (1420-70)
4. The Fort and Palatial Mansions of Chanderi
5. The Gateways of Chanderi
6. The Public Works
7. Epilogue



School of Mughal Architecture Consultancy for Mughal Architecture MARBLE PLAQUES OF MUGHAL ARCHITECTURE

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