We also provide consultancy on subjects related to MUGHAL ARCHITECTURE for preparation of TV features, Documentaries, films and such other audio-visual features, excellence whereof comes by good photography and good commentary but, more than anything else, by its INTELLECTUAL CONTENT. An idea of our expertise for such a work as this may be had from the data used herein.
Short inquiries on this subject, of one or two miniutes’ duration, are welcome on telephone but for long queries, questionnaires and interviews, Prof. R. Nath may please be contacted, in advance on the Email id given below :
For specialized lectures with slides, on aspects of Mughal Architecture, Prof. R. Nath may be contacted on the email id profnath@gmail.com
The Heritage, a private organization, is the brain-child of Prof R Nath and is owned by his son Ajay Nath. It will be registered as an Educational Society, in due course. Copyrights and other rights of Professor R Nath’s books, as listed herein, are vested in him.
Copyrights and all other rights of Architectural drawings, Digital images and other works are owned by THE HERITAGE. As all this material, listed herein, originally belongs to Prof Nath, his brief bio data has been given herein.
+91-94136 17454
+91-95099 32229